Buying A $1,300 Jacket With $0 In Credit

Buying A $1,300 Jacket With $0 In Credit

CLICK-BAIT, BOZO πŸ«΅πŸΎπŸ’€I'm not a thief.

This was done in a controlled environment, a place where you can practice your web application hacking skills, Portswigger Academy.

In this API lab, I was able to utilise Burpsuite to capture requests and abuse an unused API endpoint. Let's look at what that's like:

First off, I was given the credentials wiener:peter, which acts as an account for a shopping website.
After logging in, you will find a list of products.

You'd also find that, I'm mad broke with $0 in credit, but that jacket looks so cool and I'd look so good wearing that (I never leave my house).

This is where Burpsuite comes in. I've had it running before I even logged in, so it has been capturing my requests. I clicked the "View details" button and then added it to the cart. The request of that action looks like this:

In the above image, I see the end-point /api/products/1/price, and a GET request to it gives us a response with a "price" and "message" parameter.

{"price":"$1337.00","message":"Buy quick, we are low on stock! 2 purchased in the last 11 minutes!"}

Then, I moved the request to Burp repeater for further testing.
Next, I wanted to see what HTTP methods were allowed, besides the known GET method used to retrieve the price of the jacket. I achieved that by replacing GET with the OPTIONS HTTP method in that request in Burp repeater.
The resulting response is shown in the image below.

Highlighted by the right, you can see we have found the PATCH HTTP method to be allowed on this API endpoint.
But what exactly is the PATCH HTTP method?

The PATCH HTTP method updates existing resources without completely modifying the entire data, or as Portswigger Academy says, it applies partial changes to a resource.

I assume this was simply made for admins to change the price in the case of a mistake or just a duly update to match the shift in the state of a worsening economy.
And for some reason, they had forgotten that it existed, allowing me to purchase their jacket without having to pay anything. LMAO

Right, so PATCH works and I went ahead to test it, but a minor error pops up.

Apparently, the server requires the application/json Content-Type when sending this request, which means, to update whatever resource at the /api/products/1/price endpoint, I'd have to send it in a JSON format.
So, I let it have its way and added the Content-Type: application/json header to the request body and an empty JSON object ( {} ), and then this happened.

It tells me the "price" parameter is missing. Basically shouting at me about how I'm telling it to modify nothing. But wait...this is confirmation. I can modify the price of the jacket! πŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯

I went straight for it, including the "price" parameter and gave it the value of 0.

  "price": 0


It worked! To confirm, I went to the page, refreshed the page and the price of the jacket was $0.
I added it to the cart, and again, the price was still $0.

I hit the "Place order" button and boom, the jacket was on its way to my home.

So what exactly did I learn here?

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I learnt that by sending a request using the OPTIONS HTTP method, I can see what type of requests I can send to the server on a particular endpoint. GET, PATCH, etc.
I also learnt how the PATCH HTTP method can be used to change the value of a particular resource, like the price of a product on a shopping website.
You can only imagine the possibilities!

I hope you had as much fun reading this as I had learning and writing about it!
Thanks for reading!